For the past 3 years we have gone to the annual Trinity Alumni Cub's game. If you are alumni from Trinity you must come next year!!!!!! It is a fun event and it is usually in May. The first year we went Ellie was just born and it was our first outing leaving her with my parents. The next year we went on our anniversary and made a night by staying in Chicago.
Before the annual Trinity Alumni event started, we had a tradition of going to the Cub's game each year with our friends the Domiers. Our first year Bella was 6 months and I was very pregnant with Anderson. This year Vince was unable to come, so Brynn came in his place. Brynn is 3 years old and she did a super job sitting. It was extremely cold at the game. They were giving away free ice cream. That is what Barclay is holding up in the above picture. I don't know how, but Brynn and Ryan ate their ice cream in the freezing cold! Barclay and I preferred the hot chocolate!

Barclay and me (bummed the pic was fuzzy!)

Brynn with her ice cream!