Well, I'm sorry friends for the big delay in my blog posts. I have so much to share and catch up on.
The Chevrier's have changed a lot in the past few months. We found out on my Birthday that we are expecting our 4th! Wow, that is still a shock for me to say! We have also sold our house and have moved in with my parents. We were waiting on a short sale to be approved and it took 4 months for us to hear back from the bank. The bank told us that they wanted 10,000 more than what we offered. I'm still baffled that they made us wait that long to tell us to pay more. So we decided to back out and we found a house we just love and we are waiting to close hopefully by November 8th.
We find out the gender of baby Chevrier November 6th! I'm really not sure whether it is a girl or a boy. I'm guessing boy as of right now. I feel huge at 18 weeks. With Anderson I was quite massive and with Ellie I felt smaller. Time will tell. I will be definitely happy either way!
I'm bummed I don't have pictures to share. My computer was packed away and I don't have a way to download my pictures.
The kids are well. Avielle and Anderson are doing great in school. They both turned six and seem so old to me! Ellie is having a harder time adjusting to school. I think seperation is the hardest part for her. She always seems happy when I drop her off at school.
That is it for now. I hope to get back to blogging and capturing memories of our lives.
One of my biggest fans, Kelli McMahon, has been bugging me about another post! HA!
3 days ago