It is always hard for me to believe that I'm 30 and college was over 10 years ago. Man, time flies. In the picture above there are two of my really good friends in college. Actually both of them stood up in my wedding! Jenny is on the left and she was my roommate for three years. God paired us up as roommates and we became the best of friends. We have many funny stories to tell! I'm still waiting for Chief Joseph to show up! Inside joke. I will need to do a post about him, Chief Joseph, and our journey through college together. On the right is Stephanie, . She met her husband at Trinity and then moved to Arizona. She is deeply missed living so far away. Stephanie's little girl, Abi, is three years old. Her other daughter Leah is two weeks older than Ellie. It is so funny to see Abi and Anderson together. They look like they could be sister and brother! I never knew I would have two red heads! Stephanie was in town visiting her parents. We had the opportunity to meet up with Stephanie and Jenny at the Kohl's Museum. It was so good to catch up and have the kids play at an awesome museum. We actually got a membership if anyone is interested in going? The kids had a lot of fun in the water room. Ellie got really wet! The next day Stephanie and her two kids and her mom went with us to Great America. It was a fun time and we let the kids skip their naps. Ellie ended up sleeping in the stroller. We went to Wiggle's World and then spent most of the afternoon at the water park. Stephanie, my sister-in-law Rachelle and I were able to go on the Viper and on some large water rides. Ryan, my mother-in-law, and Stephanie's mom watched the kids so we were able to go. It was so special to see both Stephanie and Jenny!
My husband, Ryan, who is my true love. He is my helper, encourager, provider, and soul mate. We met in college and have been married for 11 years. He works as a financial recruiter and during tax time he works as a CPA. We were married young and have really grown up together. We love spending time together and chasing after our three little ones. He is a finacial recruiter by day and a tax preparer by night. He truly is a loving father to our three and finds great joy in being with his family. He is a lover of the Red Wings, anything sports, a spiritual leader to the family, and a servant to others.
Avielle Joann
our 1st miracle child and our oldest by 5 days. Her name means, "The Lord our God is gracious." Her middle name is named after her mommy and grammie. My beautiful Avi is our fun loving, giggling, strongwill, determined 1st daughter. She is my sunshine and cuddler, who loves my undivided attention and loves routine. She is mommy's helper and loves to help me cook, clean, and work in the yard. She loves being a big sister to her little sister and spends most days playing with her babies and taking care of them. She is such a nurturer to her family and to her friends, especially to the younger ones. Avi is extremely smart and brings me joy every day with her smile! I thank God everyday for her and I'm amazed at what a miracle she is and that I get to be her mommy.
Anderson Dale
Our 2nd miracle child that we tried to get pregnant with for a few years. He is our only and oldest boy . He is 5 days younger than his sister. Anderson's name comes from my maiden name and his middle name is named after is Daddy, Nana, and Great Grandpa. Just like his hair is full of color, his personality is full of color. He is an extremely sweet and sensitive boy who really likes to put on the charm with the ladies. He is full of adventure and has a big imagination. Anderson is all boy and loves sports and superheros. In many ways he is like his daddy who he really looks up to. He has a really good disposition and is also extremely smart, especially when it comes to talking. He truly loves life and a good party!
Ellison Cynthia
Our third miracle is our little 3 year old Ellie. Her middle name is after her Grammie. She was our wonderful surprise born when our "God Twins" were 19 months. We had 3 children in 19 months! God has a sense of humor! When Ellie was born she had a heart issue that the doctors had a hard time diagnosing. After 10 days at Children's Memorial she was sent home on oxygen. When she was born the doctor's told us that she would need open heart surgery several times in her first year. The Lord healed her heart and she has never needed any open heart surgeries. The doctors are amazed at the healing of her heart. Praise God! Meeting Ellie you would never know that she had a heart issue. She is our spunky little Redhead that loves to have fun and wrestle. I am convinced that she thinks life is a musical. She sings and performs all day to her family! She is such a joy and I couldn't imagine life without her!
Somer Joann (Mom)
Yes, I was named after the season, Summer. Almost everyone asks, "Were you born in the summer?" "Yes, I was." I just entered my 30's. I am blessed with a great upbringing. I have three sister and my parent's live close by. I am a former 2nd grade teacher. I taught for 5 years at a Christian school and love working with kids and being creative. I now stay home with my kids, but I am able to teach one day a week and I also teach piano once a week. I love that I'm able to stay home with the kids, but must admit it can be challenging some days. We like to stay busy with preschool for my older two in the afternoons and MOPS. One of my hobbies is running. I love the Lord with all my heart and truly try to follow His ways. Though I am human and fail in many ways. My desire is to be a woman who loves the Lord, a supportive wife, and a loving mother.
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