Okay, it has been crazy busy around here and I haven't written a new post in a whole week!!!! Yikes! We were able to have two Christmas' one here in Illinois and one in Michigan. I have so much to write about but I just wanted to share to of my favorite gifts this year. If you haven't already noticed my picture quality has improved! My parent's got Ryan and I a new Nikon! We are very excited about it and just love the beautiful pictures!!!!!!
Ryan's parent's gave us many presents, but they gave us a night away! Here we are going on our date night without the kids! It was so nice to have a good night sleep and just spend time together! We went to McDonald's for dinner, I know yummy? We only went there so we could make the movie, Sherlock Holmes. It was good, I give it a B+.
We have been blessed with such supporting and loving parents. Thank you!!!

Thats awesome! So I take it you got the Nikon early? I have noticed the better pics. Don't you love DSLR's? So glad you got to go on date nights! What ablessing to have involved loving grandparents. Glad you had a great Christmas