Last year my husband started a tax center, called Tax Centers of America. Chevy has his CPA and worked as an accountant for many years and is currently a recruiter for finance and accounting.
My husband is such an entrepreneur! He loves change and new challenges. Me on the other hand, does not really like change and the unknown. If we had it my husbands way he would be in the FBI right now and we would be living in Tennessee. I like to be close to family and really don't want to leave Illinois and the FBI, well it just scares me with all the moving.
Any way, my husband opened a tax office last year in Hainseville, IL. I get to run it once a week. I just love running the office, because it is different from my normal routine with the kids. I get to sit at a desk all day and actually eat my lunch in peace! My kind mother watches the kids. My kids love staying with her, except Ellie who is joined to my hip!
If you are in the area and looking for an accountant, my husband would be glad to help. He is offering $50.00 tax returns.
I just had to put a little plug in for my husband! I'm so proud of his hard work!
I was just telling my husband the other day that I am going to learn how to do taxes for next year. It costs an arm and a leg to have the professionals do it...and then comes your husband :o) I would gladly have paid $50 to have my taxes done! Maybe next year he can do our taxes...you know since I will be living in Illinois :o)
ReplyDeleteI was just talking to Ken about getting an appointment with Ryan!! :0)
ReplyDeleteIt must be fun to have a little change in your schedule...even if it is work!