Then on Monday, my sister had an awful migraine and it wouldn't go away, so my sister and brother-in-law went to the emergency room. The doctor's were unable to relieve her from her migraine. They later found her blood pressure to be extremely high and they transferred her to Highland Park her original doctor and put her on the labor and delivery floor.
The headache still continued and her blood pressure went down a little. The doctor said that she has toxemia, (not sure how to spell). It is very rare for women to have it after deliver. Then the doctor said that he wanted to do a cat scan on her head. The doctors found a slight bleed. They then transferred her to Evanston Hospital. She is there now and we are waiting from news from the doctor.
Her week old daughter is with us for the night. She is so sweet and such a good baby. I want to ask you to pray for my sister, that God will heal her completely and the scan will come back normal. Thank you all!
We're praying- let us know if we can take your kids so you can go see her- or whatever else you need.