On Thursday, we made our annual trip to Royal Oaks Apple Orchard. My sister and brother-in-law live there with their four children. My brother-in-laws grandparent's own the farm and Paul helps manage it.

Of coarse my sister met us there and my kids were so excited to see their cousins. The mom's had a fun outing with the kids. The moms that went were Kelli, Barclay, Katie, Meghan, and Theresa. Now I will name all the kiddos: Avielle, Anderson, Ellie, Mackenzie, Stephie, Bella, Brynn, Brooke, Abby, Timmy, Caleb, Katie, Lucy, and Charles. Wow, there was a big group!

There were a lot of hugs that 88 degree day! It was extremely windy, but nice and warm.

Here is Anderson with his cousin Timmy. I think Anderson was just thrilled to have boys around! We first went to the play area and the petting zoo.

Charles with Mackenzie

More hugs from the cousins!

Mackenzie, Avi, and Bella

Little Angels!

Here is our group watching a video on how apples grow.

Cousin Caleb and Ellie holding hands!

Off to pick apples

Avi and Lucy are shining them!

Here is Abby with her mommy Katie

Sweet picture of Caleb

Now it is time for some apple cider and apple donuts! Yum!

Brynn and Avi enjoying their apples

They are looking at the bees

Ellie decided that she was the pumpkin!
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