The Saturday before Christmas we had Christmas with my side of my family. My three sisters were there with their husbands and all 9 grandchildren. It was Penelope and Kaeden's first Christmas! We had a fun day together. We all got there around 9:00 and my parents made a yummy breakfast. Then all the grandchildren opened their presents. There was a few times we had to send all the boys down to the basement so they could fly around like BUZZ! We all stayed in our matching pajamas for the day. The men all had "Grumpy" pajamas, The women had "Tinkerbell" pajamas, the young girls had "Snow Belle" pajamas, and the young boys were "Buzz."

Ellie just loved opening presents. She would start shaking as she opened the presents. The funny part was that she didn't really care what was in them, but she just loved the tearing the paper.

My sister Meghan with Katie Mae!

Avielle enjoying some time with GG!

My two favorite boys!

Buzz Cousins !

To the rescue!

Avi saw the boys jumping and then she told me I can jump higher than them. My competitive girl!
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