Two days after Christmas we headed to Michigan to spend time with the Chevrier family. Ryan needed to work that day, and we needed to take two cars to get there. I decided to leave earlier with the kids, because I did not want to drive late at night. It takes around 6 hours to get there. I got the car all packed up and I fed the kids lunch. I had all the kids go potty and limited their drinks. The car was completely filled up and I hit the road. The kids did amazing! There really was not a lot of traffic and then they each fell asleep for a nap. I think they were tired from Christmas. I didn't need to stop to get gas and it started to snow as we got closer to Michigan. We drove the whole way without stopping! That was a miracle!
The picture above is of Anderson and Avielle getting ready for sleep before their 3rd Christmas morning!

Here they are in their matching snowman pajamas!

Avielle and Ellie received "Butterflies Dolls." I love that the dolls look just like them.

Ellie with her first redhead doll!

Avi with her blondie!

Nana wanted games to play with the children.

Avi and Nana making banana bread.

Avi and daddy putting together Anderson's Star Wars Lego set. I know, where is Anderson??? Yes, he is playing his DS.

Ellie just loves playing the computer. Nana made her a smoothie and put it in a coffee cup. She was definitely in her glory!

We also got out the old Nintendo!!!!! We played a lot of Super Mario Brothers! That is definitely my favorite!!!! I just kept beating Ryan at it and he got really jealous!

Grandpa, Nana, Avielle (5), Anderson (5), and Ellie (3)
looks like an awesome time...It was great seeing you guys. Wish we could do it more!